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The shit is on!

Today the world saw the abdication of Queen Beatrix in favour of her son King Willem-Alexander. Today is also the day my website goes life. I’d say that for most people the first event is epic and historical whereas the second event is of little interest and rather boring. However, for me it isn't. So without further ado I present to the world my new website! Why?

I want to get rid of our educational brainwash. As kids we are told how the world works and how we fit in. We grow older and have the feeling we develop our own opinions and views on the world, and to a certain extend we do. However 99% of the people still follow the path they have been told to follow since they were kids. Grow up, learn a trade, get married, make babies, work until you are 68, enjoy your elderly life and die peacefully. Some people are ambitious and try to make a lot of money while working. Some people focus on babies and want them as soon as possible. Some take their time to learn a trade and master beer drinking in the meantime. But in the end most of us follow the same path. A path that is good for our society as a whole, but might not be good for you. I don’t want everyone to jump off that path into uncertainty, but I do want everyone to question certain ‘certainties’ a bit more often.

In Greek mythology there is this famous question the Sphinx asked travelers: ‘what goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?’ Providing the wrong answer resulted in certain death. This is one of the oldest examples of an ainigma, which is the ancient Greek word for a riddle. Riddles try to make people think differently; this website tries to do the same. We all have this marvelous ability where complex chemical reactions can result in something incredible: a thought. There lies no harm in producing them; in fact it burns calories like crazy, so think yourself healthy!

Geschreven door: Ainigma op 01.05.2013

  • They had their say!

    "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." Albert Einstein (14.12.1930)
  • "Welcome to my website, I hope you enjoy reading here! Please do be critical on what I post and please do share stuff if you want others to start thinking about a specific topic. " Enigma (02.05.2013)
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