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About me |
"It wasn't by accident that the Gettysburg address was so short." Ernest Hemingway (23.7.1945)
Who am I? I am a male. I am around 30. I am currently in between jobs. I enjoy sporting. I enjoy reading. I enjoy writing. I enjoy programming. I enjoy cooking. I enjoy gardening. I enjoy going out. I enjoy sex. I enjoy photography. I enjoy music. I enjoy films. I enjoy living… Luckily for you guys I will only confront you with a couple of my passions on this website: writing, cooking, gardening and programming. The first three are the only ones really visible for you. I am a writer and I have a boring life.
What do I stand for? A question hard to answer... In short I want to get rid of our educational brainwash. As kids we are told how the world works and how we fit in. We grow older and have the feeling we develop our own opinions and views on the world, and to a certain extend we do. However 99% of the people still follow the path they have been told to follow since they were kids. Grow up, learn a trade, get married, make babies, work until you are 68, enjoy your elderly life and die peacefully. Some people are ambitious and try to make a lot of money while working. Some people focus on babies and want them as soon as possible. Some take their time to learn a trade and master beer drinking in the meantime. But in the end most of us follow the same path. A path that is good for our society as a whole, but might not be good for you. I don’t want everyone to jump off that path into uncertainty, but I do want everyone to question certain ‘certainties’ a bit more often.
Why this website? I partly gave it away didn't I? In Greek mythology there is this famous question the Sphinx asked travelers: ‘what goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening?’ Providing the wrong answer resulted in certain death. This is one of the oldest examples of an ainigma, which is the ancient Greek word for riddle. Riddles try to make people think differently; the articles on this website try to do the same. The rest of the website is just my playground, fiddling with php and css, sharing some recipes I came up with or sharing some gardening tips.
Why on earth do I have these bloody advertisements on my website? People often seem to forget that most things on the Internet are for free. This is weird because it costs a lot of money to publish stuff on the Internet. That’s the reason I have advertisements on my website. They are easily ignored.
Everything on this website is created by me, the php backbone, the css layout, the written articles and the recipes. However I do quote historical figures on a regular basis and I do use some images created by others, and I always try to give credits for those, that is, as long as the source is clear. You are not allowed to steal nor use my work without my permission. If you made it till the end of this article I applause you. Writing about yourself can be interesting at times, reading about unknown others most of the times isn’t.